Authentic Igado Recipe


What is Igado? 

Igado originated from the Northern part of the Philippines, which is the Ilocos Region. Igado is also known as Higado which means liver; the main ingredient of this popular Ilocano dish.

It is made from pork meat which can be pork belly or tenderloin and pig's liver, mixed with green peas, carrots, and bell pepper. Pig's kidney and heart are also common ingredients that you can add too, but for this recipe, there are no kidneys and heart. It will still be good and taste authentic as the liver is the defining ingredient of this dish. 

Bringing out the distinct flavors of Igado are the other ingredients such as soy sauce, garlic, onions, bay leaves, and Ilocano vinegar. This dish is best served with rice and being an Ilocano, I can say this dish is always present on big or small occasions. It is mostly requested whenever we have visitors coming from other regions of the country. 

  • Pork meat cut into strips 
  • Pork liver, cut into strips 
  • Garlic, minced
  • Onion, sliced
  • ½ tsp black ground pepper
  • ½ tsp pepper powder
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 4 pcs bay leaves
  • Seasoning granules (optional)
  • 1tbsp oyster sauce
  • Carrots
  • 1 tbsp Ilocano vinegar (white vinegar is fine)
  • Green and red bell pepper
  • 1 small can of green peas


Make sure to clean and prepare the ingredients before you start cooking because this is a very straightforward recipe. 

  1. Pan-fry the pork meat until it turns brown
  2. Add the garlic, mix
  3. Add the onion, mix
  4. Add ground black pepper
  5. Add ½ soy sauce
  6. Add the bay leaves
  7. Add seasoning granules (optional only), mix and simmer for 3 minutes
  8. Add oyster sauce, mix
  9. Add ¼ cup of water, simmer until meat is tender. Add more water as needed.
  10. Add the pork liver, mix and simmer for a few minutes until the liver changes in color
  11. Add in the green peas, then mix
  12. Put pepper powder, mix
  13. Add in the carrots, do not mix it. Cover and steam the carrots for 2 minutes
  14. Mix and then add 1 tbsp vinegar. Do not mix and cover for 3 minutes.
  15. Add the bell pepper, cover to steam the bell pepper for 2 minutes
  16. Mix it and it’s done

If you like it more saucy, add more water to it, then taste and adjust.

Watch the video: How to Cook Authentic Igado Recipe